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How to manage Work-Life Balance as a student

Covid-19 pandemic situation has changing our everyday life chores. Everyone has to work at home, and doing multiple jobs simultaneously. Sometimes it could be overwhelming and stressing at the same time. As a student you may want to balance between your study, rest, hobbies, or even work time. Consider this tips to keep balance of your productivity and health!

- Define your dedicated workspace

Creating a designated workspace will clearly divide between your work and rest hours. It can also helping you to stay focus and getting rid of distraction. Also don’t forget to tell other people who lives with you that those workspace is your office, just to make sure you have a healthy boundaries!

- Stay social

Working by yourself sometimes feels boring and lonely. People are losing their ‘small’ chat times between their work hours. Try to reach your friend or colleague and catch-up over a 20 minutes break. This connection will get rid of your loneliness.

- Strecht and move your body (hear music, exercise)

Have you ever felt sore all over your body after working in front of the screen all day? Well that’s a sign for you to start exercising! You may want to keep indoors, so cardio-home-workout and easy stretching in a short amount of time will be your best way for having a healthy body. Try to search those on YouTube and you'll get tons of home-workout recommendations!

- Set boundaries and plan your target

Determine a clear start and targets in the morning. Don’t forget to establish a routine and boundaries to keep you on the target. You may want to make a daily and weekly planner or using Notion application to make sure you have enough work and rest time.

- And finally, take a break

Recognizing the complexity of this pandemic situation is a key element in creating a work-life balance. Its completely fine to take time for yourself and having a moment of stillness. Having a family time or doing some hobbies is also a great idea! Don’t hesitate to ‘unplug’ yourself.

A friendly reminder that this pandemic will not last forever. We can face this together, cherish it! ^^

[Retrieved from:

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